How municipal bonds are essential for getting projects done
Vastly overwritten, needs a rewrite!
Why does City Manager Batista ignore the hundreds of $100,000 municipal salaries that go to Auburn, Holden, Grafton, Paxton, et alii.
How many city employees neither vote nor pay taxes here.
Will C.M. B. ignore these facts, as instructed by Corporate Corner Offices?
The city needs to take a hard look at the outrageous salaries paid to the police department. Taxpayers even had to increase police pay to teach them how to turn body cameras on and off.
Vastly overwritten, needs a rewrite!
Why does City Manager Batista ignore the hundreds of $100,000 municipal salaries that go to Auburn, Holden, Grafton, Paxton, et alii.
How many city employees neither vote nor pay taxes here.
Will C.M. B. ignore these facts, as instructed by Corporate Corner Offices?
The city needs to take a hard look at the outrageous salaries paid to the police department. Taxpayers even had to increase police pay to teach them how to turn body cameras on and off.